Join the Med is a knowledge hub around the topic of sustainable tourism that aims to identify the most tangible tools, methods and solutions for promoting and achieving sustainability in the tourism sector.

Join the Med aims to highlight sustainable tourism practices in the Mediterranean and provide policy extensions of tourism-related activities. The platform has been designed as a dynamic tool that creates interactive visualizations and synthesizes inputs by mapping pilot activities, actors and synergies.


Created in the framework of the Sustainable Tourism Mission of the Interreg Euro-MED programme, the Join the Med platform acts as a visual database integrating all the information, inputs and results of the Mission, together with other programmes and initiatives related to Tourism in the Mediterranean. 

To whom is it addressed?

The platform is addressed – but not limited – to all the actors who can study, research, test and capitalize on the results and inputs coming from different initiatives put in place in the Mediterranean and that are considered valuable assets for the protection and valorization of the cultural and natural resources towards the sustainable tourism development. Among them:

National, Regional and Local Authorities

Tourism Businesses and Agencies


Research Organisations

Policy Makers

Other Stakeholders’ Groups related to tourism issues, such as DMOs and Port Authorities


The platform…


  • Is a knowledge hub for sustainable tourism issues drawing information from the Community.
  • Includes non-static, dynamic tools with interactive visualizations of synthetic results (e.g.maps) & links with other platforms.
  • Is open to practitioners, policy makers, academics and other stakeholders groups related to tourism issues.
  • Includes a database and monitoring mechanism for collecting thematic projects’ results.


collects and shares


Tangible and easily replicable tools  that reflect different types of approaches, address a variety of policy targets, incorporate replicability conditions and have been implemented in various destinations in the Mediterranean.


Join the Med offers a fully customizable search engine providing access to a wide range of documents related to tourism sustainability issues with a particular focus on the Mediterranean.

Best Practices

The Mediterranean often showcases concrete examples and best practices for sustainable tourism. The platform provides a summary of key elements for success and the lessons learned from Mediterranean destinations with the aim to support decision-makers and local communities to foster their adoption.


Sustainable tourism is an issue addressed by different types of stakeholders. Academic entities, tourism-related businesses, local, regional and national authorities, institutions and international organisations have been dealing with sustainable tourism issues in the Mediterranean and are available on the platform.

Policy Hubs

Policy hubs address tourism-related policy targets and promote policy frameworks that support sustainable development in the Mediterranean. They aim to facilitate dialogue among key actors, ensuring that policies are aligned with real needs and challenges.


How to share your ideas and experience?

You can share your Tools – Knowledge – Best Practices and become part of our Community by contacting us through the Platform’s CONTACT FORM