
  • Mission

Towards a more sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean. The Sustainable Tourism Mission and its legacy


On May 4th, 2023 the Sustainable Tourism Mission was introduced during the event Towards a more sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean.

Organised by Interreg Euro MED, Maritime Italy France and NEXT MED Programmes, the event held on May 4th, 2023 in Florence (Italy) has been the occasion to present a joint pilot action by the three programmes aiming at transferring the most valuable results, creative tools and governance papers to concretely support stakeholders in tourism sector.


Josep Rodriguez, Responsible for International Relations at the Tourism Department of the Barcelona Provincial Council and coordinator of the Interreg Euro-MED governance project Community4Tourism, contributed to the discussion talking about the New era of tourism: the one that pursues the balance between economic development and sustainability. In this framework he also introduced the Sustainable Tourism Mission that will be carried on together with the Dialogue4Tourism project.

His presentation is available here.


All the information and more presentations showcased during the event Towards a more sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean are available on the Interreg Euro-MED programme website here.