Date(s) - 28 March 2025
10h00 - 12h00
The Sustainable Tourism Mission of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme focuses on fostering circular tourism, considering the sustainability of ecosystem services using innovative technologies, and promoting the preservation of natural resources and cultural heritage. The Mission works to develop solutions and promote cooperation in the Euro-MED Region and beyond, to increase the coordination level and institutional capacity to make tourism greener, smarter and more resilient.
The Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories brings together actors, policy makers and institutions in the MED Region sharing data on sustainable tourism and specific tools along with best practices encouraging the transfer and reuse of knowledge.
This working group is led by the Euro-MED Dialogue4Tourism Project with the support of the Community4Tourism Project and integrates in its core the Thematic Projects of the Sustainable Tourism Mission as a forum for exchange and debate.
The Network is willing to continue its contribution to the goals and activities of UN Tourism (formerly UNWTO until 2023) INSTO (United Nations International Network of Sustainable Tourism). Aims to contribute to global and regional sustainability goals by aligining its work with key initiatives such as the EU Transition Pathway for tourism and the Glasgow Declaration for Climate Action in Tourism.
The NSTO was co-created in origin in the frame of the Best MED Project (Interreg MED Program) to solve the need of transfer and reuse tools in sustainable tourism as the Best MED Sustainable & Cultural Path, -a system of indicators to measure sustainability on European Cultural Routes-.
This working group is leaded by Lazio Region with the support of the Universitá Europea di Roma (Associated Partner of the Sustainable Tourism Mission) and El legado andalusí Andalusian Public Foundation (Regional Ministry of Culture and Sport of Andalusia, Spain) and ASCAME (Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Spain) comprising the GTI (Greening the Islands, Italy).
Currently, 30 institutions are members of the Observatory, representing a diverse network of stakeholders. These members are part of the partnerships and associated partnerships of the former Interreg MED and the current Interreg Euro-MED fostering cooperation across the Mediterranean Region. In addition to this, the Observatory is starting its collaboration with various Thematic Projects of the Sustainable Tourism Mission of Interreg Euro-MED. Furthermore, it works with several institutions linked to sustainable tourism at a European level, but including the Western and South Med area as well. The objective is to enhance the scope and impact of the initiative by bringing in expertise from a wide range of sectors.
This first webinar will serve as a launching platform to introduce the NSTO’s renewed objectives and challenges for 2025, providing insights into the strategic direction and key initiatives for this year.
Additionally, it will facilitate discussion on the establishment of two working groups, the exchange on best practices and data indicators strategies along with the exploration of collaborative opportunities to drive sustainability and innovation. Moreover, will highlight the importance of data-driven decision-making an explore ways to improve policy frameworks for a more sustainable tourism sector among the member.
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You can REGISTER BELOW to participate in the working session on 28 March:
More info of the Interreg Euro-MED NSTO and previous events: here
More info about the profile to become a member: here
Become a member: here