On November 22nd, 2023 in Ljubljana it will be held the First Joint Annual Forum organised by the Sustainable Tourism Mission of the Interreg Euro-Med Programme.
The event aims at presenting the goals and the activities of the Mission, paying special attention to the role and contributions of all the actors involved in carrying the Mission out.
It takes place in a dedicated session of the Interreg Euro-Med programme event Connecting the dots: the paths to a Smarter and Greener Mediterranean held in Ljubljana on the 21st and 22nd of November 2023, here the full draft AGENDA.
The Forum will be held on November 22nd, 2023 in Ljubljana from 14:00 – 15:30 CET.
The event targets partners of the Sustainable Tourism Mission, Mediterranean Tourism Stakeholders from the public and private sector, Associated Partners of the two governance projects featuring the Mission, Stakeholders from the Southern Shore, EU institutions, the Joint Secretariat, National Contact Points, key representatives from Euro-MED organisations and initiatives such as the Union for Mediterranean and representatives from the other thematic missions of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme.
Working language will be English. AGENDA is available here.